Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It was a normal, so i thought, day. I just got back from lunch and was getting ready to go in my office when i heard a desperate cry for help. Right away i knew it was Amber's voice. Out of all my years of working with her, i had never heard her so scared before. She was crying and asking for Deborah. I knew that i was the only one still at work so i rushed down the hall to see what was wrong. I ran into the room asking, " Amber, what's wrong?". As soon as i uttered my last word i noticed something was different. All of a sudden i spun around and my cheeks turned a bright red. I figured out what was different...she was naked. While turned around i could hear her crying and asking for Deborah still. I asked what was wrong and she said that she needed Deborah to take her to the hospital. What was i going to do? I told her to stay calm and that i would call Deborah if i knew the phone number. Ironically, i had marked out the phone number the week before because i never used it...stupid me. I quickly ran back to my office and looked around for the phone number. I couldn't find it. I rushed back down to Amber and turned around before walking in. She came up to me ( dressed this time thankfully ) and said she couldn't find the number in the phone book either. I asked her one last time if i could drive her. I even said that i wouldn't go into the hospital room with her if she didn't want me to. Finally with a quick nod and a sobbing thank you, we walked out of the building, got in my car and drove away.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Time of war

It is a time of war and my mother owns a clothing store. She sells flowing dresses with rich colors and hats that are so eloquent that only the wealthy can afford them. One day going to work i see a Priest briskly walking out of the shop and away from the store. He is hunched over like he doesn't want anybody to see him. I walk in and i am greeted by my sister like always except this time it is different. There is a nervousness to her voice. I run up the winding stairs and i look around the large hallway to try and figure out which room my mother is in. I finally see her in a large room to the left sitting on a bed watching TV. i asked her why the priest was here and she says that all of her precious necklaces and rings were stolen. She says that we are now poor and have nothing.
Since we have nothing we have no choice but to ask the local militia if we can join them. I am allowed to join without question but my mother isn't so lucky. The militia is always weary of the wealthy. The wealthy are their enemy, the ones they are fighting. After much talk and my mother revealing that she has a hostage, they let her join. I was shocked to hear that she had a hostage kept somewhere that only she knows about. I screamed at her, begging for her to say that it was a lie but it wasn't. She opened up her heart shaped locket she kept on her neck and showed us a picture. A picture of her and the hostage.
Living with the militia was tough. They barely had enough food to eat and the tents they had were not the best. But i felt more alive living with them than i ever did living with my mother. She always treated me like i was nothing even though i was the oldest daughter. She didn't like that the "lower class" people i hung around. She didn't approve of my "boyish" activities out the shop.
One day while shopping at the store getting necessary supplies for camp, the militia asked my mom if she would ever turn on them. She thought for a second and said, " not right now but eventually i will turn and kill you all."
I turned around and started for her. How could she say something like that? These people were helping us! I asked her how she could be so foolish. She didn't have any money and these people were fighting for the good of all the people. She started to explain that she gave the priest all the jewels so that it looked like we were poor. How else would she have gotten into the militia to learn all their secrets? Somebody from my left told her that she was a fool and that he would kill her before she left the store. She just laughed and held up the locket. She reminded everyone that only she knew where the hostage was and that he would die if they killed her.
I couldn't take it anymore. I rushed from the store and started to run toward my mother's shop. My mother bolted out of the store, hot on my heals. Luckily i was faster so i got to the store first. As soon as i got in, i turned around and locked the door so that i would have a few extra seconds to look. Running past the counter, my youngest sister cried out for me to stop. She knew exactly what was going on and she knew that mother would kill me. I didn't even pause. I continued running when i heard my mother open the front door. I raced up the stairs with all my speed. I reached the top and proceeded to lock that door also. I knew that there wasn't key for that door so i would have a few minutes to look around. I looked down the hallway and saw three rooms to my right and 3 rooms to my left. At that moment, i couldn't remember which room was my moms. I rushed to the right and opened a was my dead sisters old room. I quickly closed it and whispered an apology. i went across the hall and opened another door. This was just a guest room. While walking back toward the hallway, i saw a shadow moving. I hid and waited like a cat ready to pounce. More of the shadow became vi sable and i realized that it was the priest. I jumped out and pushed the man down to the ground and he just laughed. He laughed an evil laugh that chilled my bones. I rushed down to the other end of the hall and looked into a room on my left and knew i was close. I looked to the room on my right and i froze. There on a little table were her necklaces. She had lied to me and everyone else. I was broken. I slowly walked back down toward hall. I opened the door, sat down on a step an waited for the person i called mother to kill me.

I had another dream but i can't remember much of it. All i can remember is that Jaclyn and I were at Greg and Kristin's house and it was raining outside. It was around 9pm and we were all pretty tired. Kristin was going to let us use her umbrella as long as i promised to bring it back. I laughed and told her i would be right back. I started to walk Jaclyn to the car and that is it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Treasure hunting

I was at school ( college i think ) when i figured out what i wanted to be: A treasure hunter. I wanted to be the Indiana Jones of my time. So i set out looking for clues with my partner ( some random person ). I get some leads to some stuff like coins and rings and i start finding stuff. I start making tons of money because i am so good. I eventually start tracking down a gravestone of a guy that died in 1868. The stone went missing many years before but i had some clues so i thought i knew where it was. I walk into this abandoned house and i walk into a room and i see my step-brother Chris hanging there dead with a bullet hole in his head. I instantly broke down and started crying. My partner told me that Chris had gone out drinking the night before and met another guy at the bar. Chris would usually drink a Red Bull followed by liquor but this time he swallowed a bullet and chased it with some sort of alcohol. The bullet messed with his system and pretty much knocked him out. The other guy drug him out of the bar and then killed him. After i heard this i swore i would get revenge for Chris. A few days later i was back at the college eating with some friends and they had asked me how i was doing. I told them i was doing good but i still hadn't found the killer yet. I did tell them that i had found the gravestone but they didn't believe me. So i pulled it out of my backpack and showed them. I had writing all over it, the guys picture in the middle and a Microsoft sticker on the side.

I was at work trying to listen to some files on a computer. The computer i was using wasn't very good so i decided to switch to a different computer that was used much. About 10 seconds after i started listening on the new computer some guy that was about 4 inches taller and pretty built comes over and pushes me out of the way so he can use the computer. I was shocked. "Does he not know who i am ?" i thought to myself. So i gathered up my courage and pushed him back out of the way. That really ticked him off. He stepped up to me and started swinging away. I got back so that his initial punches couldn't hit me in the face. I told him i didn't want to fight because i didn't want to get fired from my job. He kept swinging so i told somebody to call security. Finally he got close enough to start punching me from the back in my ribs and the back of my head. I was really surprised that it didn't hurt so i just stood there taking the beating.

The End

What was i dreaming?

This is a blog dedicated to my dreams. I will try to update whenever i can remember my dreams, no matter how weird or real they may be.