Thursday, March 22, 2007

Treasure hunting

I was at school ( college i think ) when i figured out what i wanted to be: A treasure hunter. I wanted to be the Indiana Jones of my time. So i set out looking for clues with my partner ( some random person ). I get some leads to some stuff like coins and rings and i start finding stuff. I start making tons of money because i am so good. I eventually start tracking down a gravestone of a guy that died in 1868. The stone went missing many years before but i had some clues so i thought i knew where it was. I walk into this abandoned house and i walk into a room and i see my step-brother Chris hanging there dead with a bullet hole in his head. I instantly broke down and started crying. My partner told me that Chris had gone out drinking the night before and met another guy at the bar. Chris would usually drink a Red Bull followed by liquor but this time he swallowed a bullet and chased it with some sort of alcohol. The bullet messed with his system and pretty much knocked him out. The other guy drug him out of the bar and then killed him. After i heard this i swore i would get revenge for Chris. A few days later i was back at the college eating with some friends and they had asked me how i was doing. I told them i was doing good but i still hadn't found the killer yet. I did tell them that i had found the gravestone but they didn't believe me. So i pulled it out of my backpack and showed them. I had writing all over it, the guys picture in the middle and a Microsoft sticker on the side.

I was at work trying to listen to some files on a computer. The computer i was using wasn't very good so i decided to switch to a different computer that was used much. About 10 seconds after i started listening on the new computer some guy that was about 4 inches taller and pretty built comes over and pushes me out of the way so he can use the computer. I was shocked. "Does he not know who i am ?" i thought to myself. So i gathered up my courage and pushed him back out of the way. That really ticked him off. He stepped up to me and started swinging away. I got back so that his initial punches couldn't hit me in the face. I told him i didn't want to fight because i didn't want to get fired from my job. He kept swinging so i told somebody to call security. Finally he got close enough to start punching me from the back in my ribs and the back of my head. I was really surprised that it didn't hurt so i just stood there taking the beating.

The End

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